Membership Application

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Please use a photo with a blank background and only one subject in frame. This photo is used for your MDR ID Badge

Membership Prerequsites

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Background Information

Personal Declarations

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I authorize Minuteman Disaster Response (MDR) to conduct an investigation of all information contained in this application for membership, and I release from all liability Minuteman Disaster Response and all companies and corporations supplying such information. I understand that any false answers, statements or implications made by me shall be considered sufficient cause for discharge.

I hereby agree to submit to any drug test or criminal background screening that may be required. During my membership period, I understand and agree that if I receive medical treatment for a physical, psychological, emotional, or psychiatric condition that may impact my membership, or am involved in any criminal offenseI will notify the Executive Director.

I understand that by applying to MDR, I am acknowledging and agreeing to abide by all elements of the Code of Conduct as written. Furthermore, by applying to MDR, I acknowledge and agree that failure to abide by any of the elements of the Code of Conduct, whether in fact or in spirit, will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the organization.

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